Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Midnight Workout and "Cheat" Meals

Today was my cheat day (I don't really like the word "cheat," but what else can you call it?)... haha. I had planned on it beforehand as I knew my mother was going to be making me some crab rangoon (one of my favorites!). I dislike most fried foods... but have a sweet spot for some crab rangoon. I typically allow myself more leniency/cheat days when I'm on my... uh, cycle. Which started today. Yay me!

For the most part, I didn't do too horribly. Um. Maybe?

Beverages: 1 cup of coffee, 1 cup of green tea, water, 1 cup of hot chocolate.

Breakfast: Same as a few days ago, 1/2 an avocado, Frank's Red Hot, lime, sea salt, pepper, raw organic white cheddar.

Lunch: Crab Rangoon! Not incredibly healthy, haha. Fried, 1/3 fat cream cheese, crab and ginger. I probably ate too much, I don't know. Too much for me, anyway, as I'm fairly certain that I'm slightly lactose intolerant. This has been recent, the past year, I believe. I used to be obsessed with dairy - used to drink glasses of skim milk a day, love cheese, yogurt, what-have-you. With my current diet, I typically use coconut milk and almond milk on a daily basis, but still use cheese and yogurt with no side effects (I usually only eat small amounts of these). Anyway, my stomach was making some obnoxious sounds after consuming these, haha.

Dinner: Chipotle! Chicken burrito bowl w/brown rice, black beans, fajita veggies, pico, cheese and lettuce. One of my absolute favorite restaurants. I love that they use antibiotic-free chicken and try to use local produce when able. Plus, it's absolutely delicious.

I didn't get home until midnight. Which is why I'm writing this up at 2:30. Anyway, my sister and I spent the day together. It helped ease the stiffness out of my body. Yesterday's workout didn't felt a little easier than day 1, but I forgot all about the stiffness and soreness that I don't normally get with my normal workout routines. Sure, I get sore. But this morning, it hurt to walk to the kitchen. In a good way though. Once I had been up for an hour, it was pretty much not noticeable.

 I wasn't planning on eating out, as we were at the mall's food court, and was just going to make salmon at home... but she suggested Chipotle... Both of our weak spots. Yum. I'm glad we grabbed it, as she didn't eat all day. Both her fiance and I get on her about it, but she's stubborn.

So, at midnight I realized I didn't fit my workout in today. Oops. Didn't think I'd be getting back so late. So, I turned on Insanity's Cardio Recovery and got it in. It's pretty relaxing with some yoga/strength moves, so hopefully I can fall asleep after I finish this post. I just set out my mat, tried to do it in socks, but was uncomfortable... put on my sneaks. I probably looked like a hot mess with my boxers, sweater and sneakers on. Ha. No matter.

I didn't sweat! Even with a sweater on. I remember I used to break out in a slight sweat to this, but not today. No siree. I sweat so easily, so that was nice. My face did burn up a little. I really like the plank moves, the squats and the very end with the balance moves. Not a huge fan of the lunges. Probably because they hurt the most for me. Especially the pulses at the end. Though, I think the Blogilates' Lolo Lunges might hurt more. Might have to try that one again sometime to compare. It's more cardio and less static. I don't really know which is harder for me.


So yeah, food-wise, not the best. But I'm human. And just to warn you, this week's meals might run along the same lines. Not only because I'm on my monthly, but also because I have a birthday party that I'm going to and a get-together with college friends this weekend. I'll probably avoid cake, as it's not my favorite. If there are cupcakes though... Or pizza. Another junk-food favorite. :) Though, of course, I'll not overdo it. Leave some for the rest of the guests. ;) And I don't want to exacerbate my skin-issues since I'll likely have some hormonal cysts coming in... I can already feel one. Eww.


Love always,

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