Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sneak Peak At Insanity Results - Back/Arms

I finished Week 3 of Insanity today! I will post other photos at the end of Insanity (or possibly even Month 1). This is my back progress so far. 

I've been focusing on my arms - Wedding season has approached, which means a bunch of sleeveless cocktail dresses. I can finally see some of the muscle definition in my arms. This makes me so ecstatic! My arms have always been weak and one of the places where I stored more fat. Progress. It's nice not to feel self-conscious in tanks and sleeveless dresses.

Oh, and apologize for some of the blurriness in the second photo. I took those with natural lighting and must've moved my hand when it shot. Oopsies. You can kind of see how my skin has transformed as well (I suffered from hormonal acne and backne. Painful and gross. :/ ).

I've only been focusing on my arms for the past couple weeks, but already see some progress. I focus on them by interchanging arm days with other days (I used to do one day arms/back, another thighs/glutes, another on abs). I still do this, but try to do arm days more frequently (not back-to-back days though, to allow my muscles to heal/grow/etc.). For arm days, lately this means that I'll do ~40 min of Insanity and do ~16+ minutes of arm work (usually Blogilates/Pilates videos).

I also weightlift at the gym on occasion (maybe once a week or once every other week... Not super often, but hopefully that'll change in the summer). Since I do most of my workouts at home, I usually use free weights (which are fairly light - I only have a 3 lb and ancient, ginormous 6.6 lb sets and a 15 lb kettlebell as well as a 3 lb stick for Tae Bo) and do a bunch of reps (usually pilates videos, but today I tried the workout below). I also really like Tae Bo videos for arms, but I haven't done it in a while.

15 reps each move. I'm going to try and do this every other day as well.

These are the 3 Blogilates/Pilates' Arms videos that I've been doing mostly, interchangeably (I prefer these ones, since they use weights):

Bikini Blaster 4: Awesomesauce Arms (~20 min., some cardio mixed in with free weights and finished off with one type of variation of pushups, where your fingers face each other)

Victoria's Secret Angel Arm Slimming Workout (~17 minutes. Free weights, some mat work, etc.)

Bikini Blaster 7: Bodacious Back & Sleek Shoulders (~22 minutes)

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