Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An Introduction: Fitness

Hello, everyone! I've been wanting to start this blog for quite a while now and have finally decided it's time. I've taken a winter hibernation from my fitness schedule and have been eating not as healthy as I was last year, but with the weather warming up, my body is craving workouts and healthier fare.

So, some background. First, let's start with fitness.

I've always been slightly overweight/chubby. I was 150 lbs, wore Medium tops (my weight distributes rather evenly, except I tend to gain in the stomach region... so my tops are smaller than my bottoms) in Juniors and size 9 jeans from middle school until my third year of undergraduate school. I always ate fairly healthy (or what I thought was healthy at the time and healthier than my teeny friends) - I didn't drink soda, didn't eat fast food (with the exception of a few times a year) and didn't like fried foods.

I graduated from college in 2011. My last year of school I gained 12 pounds. Missing my friends and moving on to the next phase of my life, I ended up gaining another 7 pounds. I was feeling severely fatigued all the time, yet I had trouble sleeping, felt foggy-headed and felt uncomfortable with the extra weight. I couldn't fit into my size Small school/sorority t-shirt tops (they're Hanes tops, so they run larger than Junior tops) or my jeans. At 169 lbs, I thought it was time to see my doctor. I had never had any blood taken before, but for my full checkup, she thought it would be best. The results came in and she diagnosed me with Hashimoto's Disease, which is a form of hypothyroidism. She put me on a synthroid and the weight slowly came down and I started feeling alive again, with the exception of a couple of "down days." It is difficult with hypothyroidism to lose weight, but it is possible.

To facilitate this I decided it was time for change. I had more energy and felt up for it. I tried many times through my teen and college years to try and lose weight, being unsuccessful each time. What I didn't realize was that focusing on vanity couldn't keep me going. I wanted to see results fast. When that didn't happen, I'd always go back to my old habits. Sure, I'd workout. But I wasn't consistent. This time, not only did I want to at least fit into my old clothes, but I also was focusing on health. I wanted more energy. I wanted to feel healthier. I wanted to avoid the heart disease that has run rampant throughout my family history. And the weight started coming off. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head and suddenly I realized what I've ignored in the past. Now I'm 11 pounds lighter than I've ever been since middle school. I am currently 139 pounds, wear size 5 jeans, small/medium tops and small swim/panty bottoms. I've taken a short hibernation for winter, just maintaining the weight loss, but am getting back to this and making this a lifestyle change. I want to be stronger, faster and work on toning and building muscle. I still have more fat to lose, but with this lifestyle change I know it'll follow.

Progress is progress, no matter how slow.

This is my mantra. This quote keeps me going.

Below are some images of my progress thus far. I accomplished my weightloss by eating "clean" 85% of the time (which makes preparing meals so much easier) and working out to various DVDs, running (outside, preferably, but on a treadmill as well) and weightlifting. I also took some progress pictures, measurements and tracked my results in a journal. Some of the DVDs I kept coming back to are Insanity, POP Pilates/Blogilates Youtube videos, Jillian Michaels DVDs and Tae Bo (have been doing this one since high school). As I continue on my journey, I will keep you all updated. If you ever need help, I'm always here and will try to address your own concerns/questions as they come.
Back difference. Also, a skin difference from when I eliminated dairy/refined sugars from my diet.

~165 lbs --> 142
A "flexed" difference in my back. Sorry the first image I'm sort of lopsided, which, um, accentuated that roll, haha. But I was happy to see a difference in muscle via this photo.

My greatest trouble spots: my tummy and arms. They started slowly shrinking. Remember: you can't spot-reduce. Note: the lighting is different in these two photos. And, I have a wrist! : ) haha. I never really realized I was missing one (not really "missing," but it was covered by fat).

A dress difference. I think there's only about a 5 lb, if even, difference in these shots (July->January), but I notice a slight difference. Again, to be noted, I don't workout much in the winter and eat more refined carbs (which I stayed away from during the year) in the winter as the cold crept in, so there hasn't been any weightloss from November to present. I included 2 image shots for July as the first image didn't have flash, and the lighting shows differences. I used to be uncomfortable wearing these type of dresses, but now I don't mind. I still have some trouble spots, but I don't dwell on those any more.

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